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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which is closer to P92?

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Neither are matches, but I need to decide which is closer due to CCM's limited pattern selection. The web is littered with mixed info - including the pattern DB of this site.

Anyone know the real deal on which is closer to the P92? Ovechkin or Lecavalier?

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Current patterns the Ovi is a drury clone. Last time i picked up a Lecavalier it looked pretty close to a Sakic but it's been a while since I've seen one.

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Lecavalier... I have not owned a P92, but have been on a Sakic-run as of late... I have a Sherwood Stasny, Warrior Draper, CCM Lecavalier and briefly had a Easton Sakic (woodie though). All played the same and the naked eye had a hard time picking up any differences...

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being OCD about my blades the lecavalier would be a lil more heel and the p92s meant to be more of a mid toe but i've noticed its slowly turning to a mid

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I just got a Lecavalier (current version) and it's very close to the RBK Crosby blade. It's a heel curve, opposed to the Sakic / P92 Mid Curve blades. But besides that they are close. Personaly I love the heel curve, but hate the mid curve.

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Lecavalier seems to be the closest match although heel curves are new to me.

I am actually starting to consider switching to the Ovechkin/Drury blade. how do people like this pattern for wristers? Or is the Lecavalier more of a wrister stick?

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Lecavalier seems to be the closest match although heel curves are new to me.

I am actually starting to consider switching to the Ovechkin/Drury blade. how do people like this pattern for wristers? Or is the Lecavalier more of a wrister stick?

At least with me patterns don't affect my shot. I have been going back and forth between the drury and sakic pattern and all of my shots seem the same.

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At least with me patterns don't affect my shot. I have been going back and forth between the drury and sakic pattern and all of my shots seem the same.

I am actually thinking the same thing.

The Lecavalier pattern is not a P92/Sakic, but it's close.

I am thinking more and more I just want to try something new. A lot of people love the Drury curve, so I want to give the Ovechkin a try. I know some people hate it too, but I don't think I'll have any of the problems I've read about. It's about the player and not so much the stick. I like the smaller angle of the Ovechkin curve. I've never used a very open wedge before, but what the hell...

I realize that I've completely changed my mind in this thread, but that's what thinking out loud is for. lol

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For some reason, CCM/Reebok haven't made a clone of the most popular curve out there right now...Lecavalier curve starts closer to the heel than the P92/Draper/Sakic. When will they learn?

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For some reason, CCM/Reebok haven't made a clone of the most popular curve out there right now...Lecavalier curve starts closer to the heel than the P92/Draper/Sakic. When will they learn?

Yeah, hence my dilema! I was surprised when I started looking closely at CCM that they didn't make it. Well change is sometimes good.

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