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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle straps

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Anyone have experience with ankle skate straps? I'm just wondering if there worth the 12 - 15 bucks they sell for. I tie my skates high just to get a little more support but I'd rather have something that doesn't slip. Anyone used them?

I'm looking at something like this...


I just don't want them to fall apart after a few skates.

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Or you could just tape them. I was wrapping my laces for the longest time for extra stability with my Q's for roller I have just recently stopped and it has made a world of difference. And no my ankles are not weak I have been playing hockey since i was 112 and have just always done it.

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I thought about that. Never tried it. I always felt the tape would be weaker than the lace. But I guess I should give it a shot. I would still rather have those straps if I know they wont fall apart on me. Maybe I'll just give them a shot.

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...I have been playing hockey since i was 112 and have just always done it.

Is that the senior grandmasters old codger division? Sorry someone had to make a lame comment about it so I thought I'd throw one down.

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I know somebody who has had some ankle injuries, and wears this same model of ankle straps for support. The straps are very durable. They are a lot more heavy-duty than they look in the picture. The nylon is thick and heavy, as well as the metal rings and velcro. The straps stay in place very well, and stiffen the upper part of the skate much more than tape would. Also, the pair for $12.99 would be much cheaper than taping your skates in the long run. I'd say that they are definitely worth trying.

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