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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks That Sting The Hands

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I think ita actually a play it again thing. I've heard that they carry them up north also... But I'm not sure how PIAS works as far as what the franchises have or if they have to carry specific products/brands.

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The PIAS sports around here that actually carry hockey equipment have them. It's kinda odd that Vancouver doesn't have more of them, considering the factory for Combat is down here in Washington.

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I only remember us having two. One changed its name and became a privately owned shop. The other just disappeared (assuming it went out of business). I'm not sure if there is another one around...

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The only time I have not gotten stings/vibrations running into my hands was with OPS wood sticks. I can shoot, block shots, take slashes, etc and not feel a thing...

All of my composite OPS's have wood plugs inserted and I get a lot of vibrations. Even wrist shots from time to time. I have one composite OPS that was a pro-stock and made long. That one was the worst! I blocked a shot one handed and lost feeling for a few moments!

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