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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Kiss

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Honestly, I guess it was with my grandmother or my mother. If you mean a real kiss, I guess it has to be with brad pitt as he layed upon my wall and I slowly stroked his blonde jerry curls. Of course it was only a picture, but I could feel him touch my young tender 8 year old abs, as I slowly stroked his manly thighs. BTW, you joined the board on my birthday :) JUNE 5TH RULES

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Honestly, I guess it was with my grandmother or my mother.  If you mean a real kiss, I guess it has to be with brad pitt as he layed upon my wall and I slowly stroked his blonde jerry curls.  Of course it was only a picture, but I could feel him touch my young tender 8 year old abs, as I slowly stroked his manly thighs.  BTW, you joined the board on my birthday :) JUNE 5TH RULES

What the f*&%...

edit- not a hate post, more of a why do you want a 30 yr old man touching your tender 8yr old abs. Nothing against gay men, more against Vapor trying to be funny and pedophilic.

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No, I don't want anyone's rights to be mentioned in here. We're all just going to stare at Vapor just like the bad guys who stare at Ace and Gary.

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Should I turn this into a gay rights thread or is anyone going to share?

No, I think Vapor's monthly NAMBLA submission is enough to give the rest of us the willies.

On the original topic, I honestly can't remember who mine was.

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That's understandable Chadd. Being one of the elder statesmen of the board and all. ;)

I'm lucky I can find my car keys at my advanced age.

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Ha, I've got that problem and I'm only closing in on 20.

Somehow I managed to survive despite my actions at 20.

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I hear you on that. I take care of myself, but I've got some friends who are a little too wild for their own good and I worry about them sometimes.

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<redneck on jerry springer voice>Ya'll dont know me, ya'll dont know me, talk to the hand </redneck on jerry springer voice>

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Kindergarten. I was somethin of a little playa back then , but now that i've grown up somewhat and actually have an interest in the female anatomy, i cant get a girl. Ah well, theres always hockey!! (Hell hockeys probobly cheaper too!!)

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