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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Modded Xbox

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I would mod mine but all the games i would burn would be for live and you cant use your chip on live(you have to turn it off) or else than ban ur xbox forever.

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I was watching The Screen Savers on G4TechTV one time. I ended up going to their website and they have this article with links on how you can mod your Xbox without opening it up to put in a modchip. However, I've never done it myself because I only have a PS2, no Xbox.

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al-star you can get up to 120gb for xbox, 200 for ps2. I am gonna put this 80gb drive in my computer now in my ps2 since I just got a nice 200gb SATA drive. Thockey, any standard hdd from 3 or 4 years ago will work as long as it's a standard drive. Anything above 40gb will work.

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How do you put a hard drive in your PS2? I've had mine for 2.5 years so I'm pretty sure there arn't going to be any issues with voiding my nonexistant warranty. Are there any mod chips where you don't have to solder anything?

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are you sure? cause my buddy that works at memory express here in calgary. tried every hd in the store. and the biggest he could get in there was an 80gig.

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How do you put a hard drive in your PS2? I've had mine for 2.5 years so I'm pretty sure there arn't going to be any issues with voiding my nonexistant warranty. Are there any mod chips where you don't have to solder anything?

You need the network adapter to have a harddrive. Buy that and a good 40+gb hdd and you just have to plug it in. You can order software that you dont need a mod chip at all, just need to install it on the hdd and your golden. I will find the name later and post it here. If you are going to put in a new hdd MAKE SURE IT'S IDE AND NOT SATA. SATA hdd will NOT work because they run on a completly different plug. Other than that there should be no problem. Oh, and never listen to anything the people at futureshop or bestbuy tell you, theyre all stupid.

are you sure? cause my buddy that works at memory express here in calgary. tried every hd in the store. and the biggest he could get in there was an 80gig.

Posative. I know a guy who has got a 160 to work but it only works on a few models. Your friends might have had a problem recognizing the hd, was it one of the first generation xbox's?

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Just thought I would add, as of sunday i'm trading in my ps2 for the compact version, It's tiny and sexeh.

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