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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glue/adhesive meant for clothing

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So i have a pair of farrell shoulder pads and had to add some adhesive velcro squares onto the pads for adding better comfort with the straps, and to prevent the velcro straps from tearing the inner liner of the pads.

just recently some of the velcro squares have peeled off and with my craptacular stitching and the fact i dont want to ruin the pads with a needle, Is there a glue or some sort of adhesive meant for clothing, specifically to glue the adhesive velcro squares to the inside wicking liner of the farrell shoulder pads?

thanks for any suggestions...

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You are going to have to sew velcro on. The glue never holds up to the pull on the velcro. I've tried and tried and it's never held. I know you said you stink at sewing, but you aren't going to wreck the pads and if it doesn't look good it's no big deal. Who is going to notice it?

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check at a fabrics store they would be able to best help you out

Ya I called up a Michaels craft store this morning and said they have an adhesive for these types of fabrics. I ended up thinking it would be the Aleene's fabric glue or Fabri-Tac adhesive. Im going into the store today and bring in the pads and get a recommendation

You are going to have to sew velcro on. The glue never holds up to the pull on the velcro. I've tried and tried and it's never held. I know you said you stink at sewing, but you aren't going to wreck the pads and if it doesn't look good it's no big deal. Who is going to notice it?

And ya, im thinking after another try with glue, i might just glue AND sew around the squared velcro. darn it will be def. alot of stitching with the amount of squares i was trhowing everywhere that velcro straps might hit it lol

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