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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X:60 shins

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Can anyone who has seen them in store or at a convention confirm if the X:60 shins and/or the pro series are wider and have a deeper fit? I don't know if it's the pics on HM, but it looks like it.

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saw them the other week. the x60's may be just a smidge wider, but for the most part looked the same to me as the XXXX's. the pro series looked just a tiny bit wider and deeper than the supreme line to me.

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I second that...the 60's were maybe, maybe half an inch wider

the pro series definitely looks...bulkier, i haven't had a chance to try them on to see if they feel deeper.

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I tried them on Sunday, and the only way I could get them to fit was to take out the liner and the calf protection and it was still small. If you have any muscle in your legs at all, the 60s are not for you.

The Pro series is definitely bulkier and wider, fit me pretty well actually.

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Pro series=widest and deepest.

Supreme=Slighty narrower than pro series but wider and deeper than vapor.

Vapor=Bauer's most shallow and narrow line of shins. Very tapered fit.

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