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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rinks and Shops in/around Raleigh, NC

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As for rinks, there are a good amount around Raleigh

Cary Ice House

Garner Ice House

Rec Zone (Hurricanes practice facility)

Ice Plex

Factory Ice House

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When ever I swing by Raleigh I make sure to visit Five Hole Sports for my skate sharpenings. Last time I bought skates, I was fitted and bought my skates from Andrew (I want to say it's Andrew). Five Hole also regularly has a good selection of Hurricanes' pro stock sticks and a good selection of gloves.

Cool sports also has a good selection and knowledgeable staff.

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When ever I swing by Raleigh I make sure to visit Five Hole Sports for my skate sharpenings. Last time I bought skates, I was fitted and bought my skates from Andrew (I want to say it's Andrew). Five Hole also regularly has a good selection of Hurricanes' pro stock sticks and a good selection of gloves.

Cool sports also has a good selection and knowledgeable staff.

It was Andrew. I helped him open the shop, but am not really there all that much anymore as I took over as hockey director up in Wake Forest. Cool Sports went out of business, so all you have in the area now is the rink pro shops and Five Hole. I am a little bias, but I think Five Hole does a good job with fittings and has the FBV as well

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I am going to wilson nc, which seems not to be too far from raleigh next week.

Anyone have any suggestions of places to visit when there?

i am going to look into the places listed above. Thx

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It was Andrew. I helped him open the shop, but am not really there all that much anymore as I took over as hockey director up in Wake Forest. Cool Sports went out of business, so all you have in the area now is the rink pro shops and Five Hole. I am a little bias, but I think Five Hole does a good job with fittings and has the FBV as well

I just realized two weeks ago that Cool Sports closed down. That's a real shame after being open for 10+ years. Today I went to Five Hole and got my first FBV sharpening. Hopefully I'll like it, but that may cause some problems in the future since as far as I know nobody in Charlotte does FBV. How long as Jerry been working at Five Hole? I remember when he used to work over at the Iceplex.

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