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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Facebook Tool

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Sure there are a lot of idiots on Facebook but I was bored today and this person stood out above the rest.

Just thought I'd share the love :)

uh when I clicked on that link I came to my own profile page.........

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Sure there are a lot of idiots on Facebook but I was bored today and this person stood out above the rest.

Just thought I'd share the love :)

I see what you did there... clever.. :rolleyes:

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Have you seen the new FB group called "you"

If anyone on your friends list joins it...you se a messgae in your News Feed that says "So-and-so likes you"

My patience and interest in FB is waning though.

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Have you seen the new FB group called "you"

If anyone on your friends list joins it...you se a messgae in your News Feed that says "So-and-so likes you"

My patience and interest in FB is waning though.

Yea and the other ones, so and so likes it rough or likes it dirty or something along those lines.

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Yea and the other ones, so and so likes it rough or likes it dirty or something along those lines.

Yeah, I like it rough on facebook, :o

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