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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After breaking in why do my skates feel worse?

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I've had the vapor XXXXs for a little over 6 months now. I had them baked 2x and punched in the arch. It seems as time goes I'm having more problems.

After months of skating I'm just now starting to get lace bite. I've always had bumps on my feet from skates (which never hurt) , but it seems now they are getting worse, and now they are hurting.

One would think as time went on and skates were broken in, they would feel better? Any insights?

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Sounds like they were a bad fit from the start. If the tongue has broken down and creased there isn't much you can do to prevent lace bite other than something like a bunga pad.

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Structurally the skates are solid, but I'm really hard on my skates. These Vapor XXXXs are starting to fall apart. The stitching is coming out in some places, the runner is beat to hell. The area around the top of the skates is wearing away due to my shin guards.

I haven't checked the tongue for creases, that's a good tip. How much is that usually. (What I'm saying is these skates are close to being replaced rather than put $ in into them.)

Sadly for me, I've the worst combo for feet.

Flat feet (I'm talking pancakes), narrow heel, and skinny ankles so I really have to crank the laces tight.

Any tips for skates for my goofy feet?

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Not exactly the best advice in my opinion...

Well I'm not that experienced with skates, but maybe Eastons would fit you? They have a regular/wide forefoot and narrow heel, so try some on?

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when the skates break in they usually stretch out a bit and padding wears down, so your feet may start moving around more and could be causing the pain in your... heels? (im assuming).

you can get lace bite pads ($40-60), double the tongue($25-30each), replace the tongue($25-30each). even if you can find some felt and have a pro shop reinforce the creased parts.

i'd suggest grafs, they seem to have one for everyone. and have them fitted and punched out properly.

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