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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SLy MaLLone

Tipping etiquette with tattoos

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I gave the chick who did mine $20, just to round it up. Yeah it was probably more than necessary but she was painless and cute.

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well if the guy's a prick...give him less...

...On the other hand, if you end up getting a cute girl, you should probably give her more; I would think that normal, good-looking girls usually avoid the whole "work-at-the-tattoo-parlor" thing, but you might get lucky.

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You'd think, but a lot of places double up and do piercings as well and you kind of like to get non-freaky girls in there for when girls get...stuff pierced. This chick was a dime though, I would have bathed her cat-style.

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Well I got the tattoos done today and I'm pretty sure I got ripped off. I got a small star done on the front of each shoulder. Cost me $130. So I hand the guy $150 (just rounded up instead of the whole 20% thing.) and the guy is counting it up and he goes "there's an extra $20 here." I tell him it's a tip and to buy himself something pretty. At this point I'm thinking should I have even tipped him. I guess that if the person who gives you the tattoo owns the parlor, then don't tip. But if they are just working there then you should tip. Also probably the biggest thing is to ask how much it will cost before it gets done. That was my biggest mistake, I totally forgot to ask him before, then when it's already done, I realize that I've been backed up into a corner and they can pretty much charge anything and there's nothing I can do about it. Where if I ask before, and don't like the price, I can walk out. Lesson learned I guess.

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I've actually done some more research and I actually didn't get ripped off at all. I guess it was just the shock of paying $150 for something that looks like a sticker. I'm very pleased with the way they look, the only thing is that there are a couple mistakes. On one of the points one of the lines was extended a little bit too far, and around another point I have a mole that looks like a mistake. Other than that they are perfect. As soon as I get my camera working I'll take some pictures.

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I have a couple of tattoos, one of which is a dragon that would have cost around 600.00 (or so the shop said so, but I don't believe it). I did some web design for their shop in trade, which was a couple hundred dollars of work at most. The entire process took 3 trips at 2 hours per trip, so roughly 100.00 an hour thus far...and technically I have one more to go. I think it would average about 200.00.

I left no tip.

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I've read that $100.00/hour of work is pretty much standard. You don't pay more for color, or by size....A good place will charge by the hour. Artwork/drawing time are part of the cost, and most places don't charge extra for it (based on what I've read).

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