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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement palm comparable to FFH

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The top hand palm on my R8 Lites is finally starting to disintegrate and in lieu of not being able to find these gloves anywhere, does anyone know what a comparable palm would be and where I could have the work done?

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Peaches Pro Repair for work. As far as the palm goes, it may be tricky with the one piece index and pinky finger being gussetless. From what I remember, it felt like a high grade Nash.

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Peaches Pro Repair for work. As far as the palm goes, it may be tricky with the one piece index and pinky finger being gussetless. From what I remember, it felt like a high grade Nash.

IIRC, Micro-Nash, very good grade indeed.

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It was thicker than micronash, probably closer to kangaroo. Micronash won't be far off though.

Drew is spot on though, it might be difficult with the gusset-less pieces or maybe he can order or cut direct replacements.

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Thanks for the Peaches recommendation. I've heard so many good things about MSH2 would this be comparable? I'm thinking about only having the top hand re-done as the bottom is still very mint.

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MSH2 is much thinner and it doesn't have that "Natural" feel to it. MSH2 feels like a high thread count bed sheet.

MSH2 is a microfibre, FFH is sheep skin.

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It was thicker than micronash, probably closer to kangaroo. Micronash won't be far off though.

Goat would work too

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MSH2 is much thinner and it doesn't have that "Natural" feel to it. MSH2 feels like a high thread count bed sheet.

MSH2 is a microfibre, FFH is sheep skin.

You ever get that MSH2 suit made?

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You ever get that MSH2 suit made?

Oh my effing God bro. You made me spit powerade on the screen, asshole!!

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You ever get that MSH2 suit made?

:lol: haha, "I would drape myself in MSH2 if it were socially acceptable."

Geez, that was a long time ago.

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