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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shop to replace holders in DFW?

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I'm thinking about swapping the LS2 holders/steel on my bauer vapors with a set of mission Pitch3. i like the +1 pitch and larger radius of the missions. I feel like I can't glide or skate as fast on the bauers, but the boot fits great. Can anyone recommend a shop that would do a good job? (If this can be done, I believe the bolt patterns are the same).


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You'd have to redrill. Pitch=Custom+.

I'd do it for you but I don't have any rivets ATM. Check with Shane at the StarCenter in Euless. He'll be your second best option.

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different holes but it can be done. take them to peranis in Euless or the dr pepper star center two minutes down the road. one of the two shops will be able to do that for you

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JR, I've been thinking about that as an option. I figured it would be easier to find someone who could swap holders than profile the steel. Do you or Drew know of a place I could mail them off to?

I'm going to skate on them a few more games before I pull the trigger on what to do. I might try profiling first, then swap holders if I'm still not happy. I'd be open to any advice you guys have.

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