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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer to Sher-Wood Shoulder Sizing

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Has anyone gone from Bauer (I'm in Supreme 70's) to Sher-wood 5030's?

I wear an L in my 70's but according to most sizing charts I should be an XL, however the fit is fine. I'm just wondering if the 5030's fit small or large, I keep thinking I should go for the XL because of what the sizing charts say but I'd rather go for the L's because I've got a short body and long legs.

I'm thinking if they were a little tight then the lace up system would allow them to open up!? Correct me if I'm wrong. They might end up looking like Holmstroms shoulders but ok.. :P

Obviously I'd preffer to try them in person but living outside North America this is easier said than done!

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Don't worry about the size of the chest piece, it doesn't cover anything below the nipples anyway. With the string in the back th sizes are somewhat adjustable, so I'd probably roll a large.

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