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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Flood in Nashville

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Luckily our house hasn't gotten licked down there, but I know friends who've gotten nailed by it. For once I'm all right having moved up here away from that. Till an earthquake swallows us whole.

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I'm sure Steve has a home in Nashville...probably friends and teammates at risk...but he is worried about his helemt. Even at the higest levels...hockey players really are a strange lot *L*

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I think the lot of them live in Franklin, a suburb that got nailed as well.

I have family in Franklin and I can't even get a hold of them.

Do you know how bad it is in Franklin?

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Pretty bad, I'm sorry to say. I saw quite a few businesses that were barely above water and fields that were now lakes, so hopefully they just got out of Dodge. An elderly lady that was our receptionist had a house going underwater and she didn't answer when a rescue boat went for her. No one from my old company's heard from her but hopefully someone got her out of there before.

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Im from franklin and it was very rough down here. Cars, houses, all types of other buildings underwater. It has since gone down but its pretty much a mess 'round here. I was starting to wonder when to start building the arc for a while.

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Our house is in Green Hills and they got it pretty bad, too, but we barely got a lick on our house thank God.

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I was reading a story about all of the guitars and gear that was destroyed in the flood. Most of the working musicians in Nashville lost gear when a couple warehouses flooded.

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Urgh. Why couldn't it have been turn-tables instead?

I was reading a story about all of the guitars and gear that was destroyed in the flood. Most of the working musicians in Nashville lost gear when a couple warehouses flooded.

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