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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rob Blake's brother

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Any Rob Blake fans out there know if he has a younger brother?

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I'm no puck bunny! lol

Yeah, I can see how that sounded. Actually, I am trying to find out if a Canadian soldier from Simcoe (where Rob is from) with the last name Blake is related to the hockey player. The soldier looks like Rob and is around the same age. Just fishing at this point. Thought there might be a huge Rob Blake fan who knows all things Blake.

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i went to this hockey school about 10-12 years ago, the guy who ran it along with his son were Blakes.. they swore up and down that rob was immediate family (the guy told everyone he was rob's older brother) probably how they got so many willing participants.

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