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wheel recommendation for concrete Floor

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I have just started to play on polished concrete floor. I am used to playing on sports court and being able to stop. I use the hornet XX wheel for the sport court and it works great, but the same wheel on the concrete sticks but there is not way i am going to stop.....i weight 200, about 5'10. For those players out there, what is the best wheel for grip and being able to stop? Or is there any other advice you can give me?


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Your Hornet XX's are probably too sticky for that hard smooth finish. Look into something with a higher durometer rating, 80a+.

I'm guessing you're referring to concrete floor, not concert.

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ya i was thinking of the world cup....

How are the world cup wheels for stopping and turns??

thanks dreww...i was referring to concrete :) lol.

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Definately reccomend the World Cups, in that weight range you'd get a little better performance witht the Hornets or Hot Shots but they wouldn't last nearly as long.

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The big issue with concrete floors is the dust.

Softer wheels, have better grip, but they'll wear out faster.

Harder wheels, last longer, but you will have less grip.

The only way to have a good performance on that kind of surface, is cleaning.

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thanks for the feedback monoclub and diablo42.....Right now Rink Rat world cups are what i am leaning towards...... i clean all my wheels and chassis once every other week.

Anyone out there use Lebada? How are they for stopping and turning on the painted concrete?....i have seen some guys using the shooters and asphalts ...What about the addiction line??..any recommendations?

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You're wellcome.

I meant, cleaning the floor. If the floor is dusty, it doesn't matter how many times you clean your wheels, they will be dirty in a few minutes again.

Addiction are too expensive and they're for sport court.

If I was you, i'd go with Asphalts or grippers medium if you want some more grip. Best bang for the buck.

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Are these good for the street on concrete and asphalt for just trainin? If not what is a good outdoor wheel for that?


You're not going to find much better than the Orange Asphalt wheel for any out door environment.

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I would recommend the revision bronze series. I play on the same type of surface and have been playing on my wheels for about 4.5 months now (twice a week) and I've only rotated my wheels once and there isn't any kinda of abnormal wear like chunking or tearing on them and I am 200lbs and do lots of stops. A really impressive wheel as far as I am concerned, the other wheels have never lasted this long, it's a money saver really.

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I heard Labeda makes some good wheels, so I decided to try out the Addictions. I'm getting them next week, I'll let you know how they work out. When I was looking around to see what would be the best wheel for a guy like me

(6"1', 205lbs), I rarely came across a bad review for the Labeda Asphalts. I've also heard really good things about Rat Rink. It all really just depends on what will work best for your build, the surface you play on, and how long you plan on keeping them. You'll want to lean towards anything with a lower durometer rating (76A) if you start slipping out too much or if the surface has a smooth finish. I used to use 76A wheels for playing on a tennis court and have slowly moved up. I started playing ice not to long ago and I kind of like the slipping/sliding feeling when turning sharp or stopping, so I'm trying out an 84.

Hope that helps

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the problem i have is wheels can get expensive to just test out.....

i am using Rink Rat Hornets XX right now.... they work perfect for me on the sports court but when i play on finished concrete if gives me good grip to some point but there is no way i can stop (hockey stop like on the sport court). What i want is something that will give me grip and the ability to hockey stop on the smooth finished concrete(indoor not outdoor)....

I have heard good things about the grippers, med, yellow and black. Also the rink rat world cups. Just trying to get the best info because i will have to replace all the wheels and the grippers up here will cost me $65 and the world cup will cost me $90.... so far i am leaning toward the grippers....

keep the feedback coming thanks!

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I have the Labeda Gripper softs (off-white color). I normally play outdoor; the only reason I got these was because someone was offering them cheap. For a soft wheel they are pretty durable. They've lasted just as long--if not longer--than the 84A Hypers I used to have on there. I have played with them on a warehouse style concrete floor and they do not slip whatsoever. This could be a pro or con depending on your playing style. Personally, I like my wheels to slide a little.

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I play outdoor roller hockey a lot on a smooth concrete floor as well. I purchase my wheel set from eBay (Link to eBay auction).

I consider them to be quite decent quality of wheels for concrete or other surfaces. I normally replace all 8 wheels in 2 months (I play a least twice a week).

I especially like them because they are affordable. In Toronto retail stores (Sportchek, National Sport, etc...) 8-pk wheel set are normally priced at $69+!

For $24 including shipping I will buy these over any wheel set!

I hope this helps :)

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The Triton is Red Star's second line outdoor wheel behind the Rockets but they should be a fairly solid choice I tend to wear wheels very fast being almost 300 lbs will do that. What sort of exeprience have people had with the Kryptonics Black Power Play?

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