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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One95 Shaft

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First off, I tried to do a thorough search, and checked the catologue, and didnt find the answer I was looking for, so apologies if this is a re-hash.

So I broke one of my NikeBauer One95 shafts the other day, and picked up a new, Bauer branded One95 to replace it, 87 flex, just like all my others.

I went to cut it the same length as my other two Nike Bauer One95 shafts...and I noticed that if I cut it to the length I usually use, I would be cutting at the 112 flex mark. That is MUCH higher than what my other One95 shafts are. My others, when cut, usually ended between the 96 and 105 flex mark.

So I guess my question is, are the Bauer branded shafts different? I measured the new one...it comes in at around 54", and id take approx. 6" off. All my shafts are 48". I cannot for the life of me remember what length the Nike Bauer branded shafts came at...so are the Bauer branded ones longer? Do the Bauer branded just come stiffer? Combination of the two? Or am I just losing my mind? Even my X:40 one piece, when cut comes in between the 96 and 102 mark. It is the same length as my Nike Bauer shafts with a blade in it...I do realize it is a bad comparison, shafts to one piece, but I thought I'd add anyways.

Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Well, first of all, how does it feel? Does it feel much stiffer?

According to the flex chart Bauer put out, 112 is right for chopping off 6". You're positive you cut that much off the others? Taking off 2" would be 96 and 4" would be 105.

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When I hold it and flex it where I would cut it, it does feel stiffer.

Positive if i cut that much off the others? No. I feel like I cut less off of the old ones...but that's why I question if the new ones come longer than the Nike Bauer shafts. Either way, I cut the old ones a looooong time ago, hence me not remembering. Maybe I am just being paranoid.

Either way, I am gonna take it back tomorrow...especially since I realized that Greatskate is now charging $119 US :blink: for them now. Probably should have looked at my receipt before I walked out earlier today, durrr.

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Can you measure it against one of your older broken ones for verification?

I know for certain that the Nike Bauer version came in at 54" uncut. I had one and took off 4" exactly since I play with them at 50" for a standard shaft.

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I would have to agree with Scotty....you may have to take the tape off to check, but it's worth it right? Perhaps you are right?

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