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Family Ancestry

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I am looking for my families roots for a Government paper that is due soon. I have tried google, but the price for the information is astronomical. I am trying to find Ancestry on my Italian background. If anyone knows a site which is free it would be great. Thanks for any help.

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I know that on both sides of my family there are a few people who have gone back and traced out our whole ancestory. You might want to ask around in your family and see if anybody has done that.

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I know that on both sides of my family there are a few people who have gone back and traced out our whole ancestory. You might want to ask around in your family and see if anybody has done that.

It is hard, due to my father is the only male left in our name. His father didnt tell him much about our family and my grandfather didnt know much either. I have a essay due and all I have so far is about one paragraph. I am hoping to find more information, if not then I will just use what I have.

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Ah, that would make it more difficult. I know that I have a couple of wacky aunts/great aunts/whatever on both side who get off on geneology. I remember hearing that the best source was the Mormon church for this. I know it may sound crazy, but I really remember hearing they have great records.

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I tried the freebie method and ended up piecing it together from various sites. Of course there's a jillion Irish ancestry sites and I don't know how that'd compare to anything Italian.

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Looks like I am going to have to wing it, but thank for all your input. The teacher doesnt know my ancestry so I could Say Al Capone was my distant Relative... :huh:

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Ah, that would make it more difficult. I know that I have a couple of wacky aunts/great aunts/whatever on both side who get off on geneology. I remember hearing that the best source was the Mormon church for this. I know it may sound crazy, but I really remember hearing they have great records.

It is true. Mormons are really big on genealogy.

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You can narrow down where your family is from in Italy by your last name. For instance, my mothers side is from Lucca and my fathers side is from Napoli. Whats your last name and I'll see if I can help. You can PM me if you don't want everyone knowing. Was your Dad born in Italy, or just your Grandparents? Also, was your grandfather of dark complexion, fair, or light? If he is of light complexion, chances are your family is from the northern part of Italy. Darker Italians tend to come more from the south. The reason I'm asking all of this is we can basically try to predict what part of Italy your family is from. Of course, all of this is harder if your grandparents were born in the states. It helps to be 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation.

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