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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Round / Elipitical SE16 shaft

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Hi Guys,

I was recently at a pro equipment sale and saw a se16 with a rounded shaft, I have searched hi and low on the net to see if I could find this option. No luck so far! :(

Does anybody know if this is only a pro stock option? I would of bought 5 if they were the correct lie.



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Hi Guys,

I was recently at a pro equipment sale and saw a se16 with a rounded shaft, I have searched hi and low on the net to see if I could find this option. No luck so far! :(

Does anybody know if this is only a pro stock option? I would of bought 5 if they were the correct lie.



Yes, pro only option.

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Agree, most likely a S19. I was checking out some Coyotes prostocks and 3 S19's were square shafts. 2 of those 3 had the sticker still on and said SYNE NHL and SE16 NHL. I bought a Wolski S19 and it had rounded shaft and its' sticker said S19 NHL.

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