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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird bump in friends grafs

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I was wearing my friends graf 609's they felt really good. the left foot fit perfectly but in the right skate it felt like there was a bump rite were the middle of the bottom of my foot sits. anyone know what this is from, anyone no how to fix it??

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Take out all the laces and pull the tongue back, then take out the insole and see if there is anything abnormal with the boot and also it might just be a defective insole.

Also, since Graf doesn't use rivets, one of the screws that holds the blade holder which is part of Graf's rapid mounting system might have backed out just a little bit from various use which could cause the bump that you're feeling, so take out the insole and inspect the boot and see if that's what's wrong.

Graf has by far the best customer service (at least from my experience) of any hockey company, if worse comes to worse and the skate is still under warranty just give them a call and they'll help your friend out with his skates.

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i beg to differ on graf having the best customer service. my brothers skates fell apart on him in less than a month, and it took my dad near 2-3 months to finally have graf do something about it. in the end, we gave up and just bought a new pair

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Graf's CS is okay...talking about the business side of things.

AFAIK there's only one CS rep.

They're awful when it comes to the consumer, as we've seen...

Mission is the best by far.

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