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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sizes

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I believe you would be a 10 in Reebok. I am a 9 in Bauer and wear an 8 in the 9K's that I recently picked up. That said, trying them on is the best way to know for sure what you'll need.

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Everybody will say go try them on, but I've also heard many have gone down a half size going from Bauer's to Reeboks. I've also heard the width will be different going from X60 to the 11k. The 11K do come in D/AA heel sizes which may be closer fitting to the X60, if X60 they fit you good.

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when i tried on 9k's i fit a 6.5d, but i ended up going with one80's also at 6.5d.

perhaps people were going down a half size because of the wider fit in the 9k's, however the new 11k's should fit much narrower [in the heel].

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If I wear a size 10 Bauer X60 skate, what would I wear for an 11K RBK Skate? Thanks

Instead of guessing...go with what works. MM don't lie. Turn the x60 upside down and look at the size of the holder. I think yours might be a 296. Then try on both RBK 11Ks that have a size 296 holder. One of those will work....most likely a 9 or a 9.5.

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