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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Hejduk MH990

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Thank you a lot $m0k3 !!! :)

On the website they also ask if you want it "clear" , "ice-black" or "black"

Whats the difference between ice-black and black? and does anyone knows the Regulations they have in Canada and USA for Junior leagues? Would I be aloud to wear a tinted visor?


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Thank you a lot $m0k3 !!! :)

On the website they also ask if you want it "clear" , "ice-black" or "black"

Whats the difference between ice-black and black? and does anyone knows the Regulations they have in Canada and USA for Junior leagues? Would I be aloud to wear a tinted visor?


I don't believe any non-certified visor is legal for sale/use in Canada anymore and I have yet to see a CSA certified tinted visor.

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From the current USA Hockey Junior Hockey Rule Book (page 35):

All players, including goalkeepers, are required to wear a facemask certified by HECC, plus any chin

protection that accompanies the facemask. All half shield and full facemasks must be clear in color (nontinted).

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