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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Paul Henderson jersey auction

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If you have already bid $1,265,707 and might lose, what's another $10k to beat the winner? The jersey belongs in the HHOF, anyway, not a private collection.

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If you have already bid $1,265,707 and might lose, what's another $10k to beat the winner? The jersey belongs in the HHOF, anyway, not a private collection.

The Canadian government was a bidder. Dunno what they were willing to spend however.

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I hope it wasn't one of the big card companies with the winning bid... it'd be a crying shame for the jersey to be cut up into a thousand pieces.

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I believe it is an individual bidder, who has said the jersey would end up back in Canada. Not sure if he/she specifically meant the HHOF. It is the most expensive hockey item every auctioned off.

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Found this:


I heard on the FAN960 in Calgary this morning that Mitchell Goldhar is planning on taking the jersey around the country and showing it in communities in museums and such... He was also quoted on saying something along the lines of "bringing the jersey home". Apparently he/his company (SmartCenters) is involved in 29 give or take charities. Seems like a good fella.

----apologize, I was writing this before the last 2 posts.

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