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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 wood blade fit issue

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Has anyone had trouble with the Vapor x:60 blades not fitting in tapered shafts? I bought 2 today and tried to put one in a TPS R8 I had lying around. It wasn't even close. I then tried to get the other into a XXX lite shaft (my beloved, and last one left) and nearly blew the shaft walls apart. I know its an easy solution to just sand them down, but these aren't even close to fitting in any of the shafts I own. Its disappointing that you can spend $30 on a blade for it to not even be close. I'd be interested to see if anybody else had the same problems.

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Bauer's tapered shafts accept a slightly larger tenon, so their blade tenons are also slightly bigger than average. It's going to be a tight fit but at worst you'll need to sand down a little bit of the tenon.

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