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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Top hand grip

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How tight is your grip on the top hand when shooting? Is it tighter than when stickhandling? Also, do you grip the stick with your thumb on top or the V on top?

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How tight is your grip on the top hand when shooting? Is it tighter than when stickhandling?

Your grip should be tight if you want load your stick. Yes, my shooting grip is tighter than stickhandling.

Also, do you grip the stick with your thumb on top or the V on top?

The V on top is comfortable for me personally.

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That's what I was playing with last night and yeah I could load the stick a lot more. Just curious if others found the same thing.

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How tight is your grip on the top hand when shooting? Is it tighter than when stickhandling? Also, do you grip the stick with your thumb on top or the V on top?

yes it is just a little bit but when slapshotting ur grip should be mostly in your bottom hand

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How tight is your grip on the top hand when shooting? Is it tighter than when stickhandling? Also, do you grip the stick with your thumb on top or the V on top?

My grip is fairly loose but I pull back pretty hard. The butt end is usually in the middle of my palm but it slides slightly and I end up with it mostly in my fingers when I take a slapper.

yes it is just a little bit but when slapshotting ur grip should be mostly in your bottom hand

Sure, if you don't want to maximize velocity. The only time I don't pull back hard is when I'm trying to hit a stick for a deflection or the goalie is completely screened and speed isn't as important as accuracy.

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My top hand grip is just a little tighter when shooting. I hold it with V with butt end at end of the palm. I was searching online for proper hockey stick hand grip but there isn't much out there. I can get better toe drags if I move my thumb up to side of the stick but not sure if that is correct hand positioning to switch back & forth like that.

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