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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can I find Black Nike/Bauer 4 Rolls?

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I know this may seem picky, but I do like the Nike Bauer logo better than the Bauer logo. If it is possible, are there any Nike Bauer 4 Rolls - Black 14"? Anywhere besides ebay, I just need a new pair for the season. I do have a pair of 13" Bauer 4 rolls, but I'm looking to go a size up and to get the old Nike Bauer logo.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I've seen some LA Kings pro stock ones, if any one has a clue of where those are located let me know. Kopitar's ones are MINT

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call around, i'm sure you'll find a store that has a pair left over.

i see them all over the place in Vancouver and its suburbs.

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