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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pad Sizing

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If you're between sizes on shoulder pads, do you usually go up or down?

I'm 5'8 175 with a 41" chest. I've always worn medium shoulders but after trying out some larger pads wonder if I shouldn't size up. I tend to have wide shoulders but the couple sales guys I talked to thought with my height/size I should stick with medium.


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try on both sizes (not at the same time, that may be difficult) and put on a jersey. Move around a little bit and see how it feels.

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try on both sizes (not at the same time, that may be difficult) and put on a jersey. Move around a little bit and see how it feels.

The issue here is if you are protected enough with a medium size shoulder pad. If you are then it's a personal preference thing. Make certain you have adequate protection at the imperitive areas like your shoulders, spine, ribs and lower back areas and the shoulders pads don't come up and almost choke you when you raise up your arms. If yes, then your fine with mediums. I'm like you, I personally like a tighter fit when it comes to my shoulder pads.

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