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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recall for first gen u+ skates?

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I read on MSH that there was a recall on the first generation u+ skates, with bubbling on the outsides of the skates. I called CCM and asked about it, and they said that there was no such thing, and that i should only rely on the reebok/ccm website for recall information. what gives??????

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I've had first hand experience on the same subject. They'll basically send you back to the retailer. There are threads from the original CCM forum that had a couple of guys who had success in convincing CCM into letting them send back their skates directly. Otherwise you're SOL.

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I'm not meaning to sound short with you but have you tried going back to the store you bought them from? See what they have to say. CCM is definitely aware there was an issue as they let my store send back all of our U+ skates from last year and replaced them with Reloaded's. They just want you to go through the store you bought them from. Manufacturers don't want to get taken advantage of and have product sent back bought used/ebay or from equipment sales.

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i bought these in colorado from the avalanche store it is impossible for me to return them to the store because i live 18 hours away and they are not a real hockey store, so any other suggestions?? these are prostock if that means anything and they have tuuk ls2 holders and a custom extended toungue so if i do convince them, then would it be possible to just send them the boot?

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i bought these in colorado from the avalanche store it is impossible for me to return them to the store because i live 18 hours away and they are not a real hockey store, so any other suggestions?? these are prostock if that means anything and they have tuuk ls2 holders and a custom extended toungue so if i do convince them, then would it be possible to just send them the boot?

There is no warranty on pro stock gear and you did not buy them from an authorized retailer. You're stuck with them.

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