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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know what this is?

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So recently, I went through mu attic and found this old wood stick. I have absolutely no idea what is is, and was wondering if anyone had a clue. If so, is it worth anything? Thanks!


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Ultra Leger means Ultra Light. I bet it is... Nice find though.

Yeah it is. I was surprised to find it so light, but I though it might be because it's old and all...

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Canadien was an old brand back in the 70's, competed with Sherwood, CCM, Northland etc. Keep this guy lol

I'm quite sure Canadien was around into the early 1990s... since I wasn't born in the 70s, and I'm too young to remember much of the 80s.

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I'm quite sure Canadien was around into the early 1990s... since I wasn't born in the 70s, and I'm too young to remember much of the 80s.

Well it was definitely around in the 80's because I had one or two growing up. Not one of my favorite sticks though.


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