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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tinted oakley visors

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Hey guys,

I heard you guys talk about having the Oakley MIRRORED, or TINTED, or CHROME visor...i have never seen it...can anyone show me some pics, or tell me where i can get them? thank you.


never seen a tinted one? rick nash, nik antropov, sergei federov and so on all wear them. weinrich is the only nhler wearing the yellow one.

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you said you got yours at epuck right? i see that itech does have one that says "mirrored" on them. Is that the one you got? does it look like the one ovechkin is wearing in that picture?? cause thats the one i want, the one ovi is wearing i mean....but on the itech websites, the picture of the mirrored one doesn't seem to look like the one ovi has? on the pic, it looks sort of see through, whereas the one ovechkin's one is completely reflective, so jackal, i was wondering if the mirrored one you got from epuck is the same one as the one ovi is wearing? thanx for your help.


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So waht are the other colors for. The yellow one is for dark areans, so whats the dark one for, (like the one overekin and yzerman wear), and the blue one for.

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So waht are the other colors for. The yellow one is for dark areans, so whats the dark one for, (like the one overekin and yzerman wear), and the blue one for.

Dark is when the arena istoo bright, the mirrored is so no one can see your eyes.

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It cuts down glare.

I had a set of tinted 1Xcel ones at least three years ago (back when they weren't on the market and Fleury was wearing them) It's all scratched to hell though...

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hey JR,

you say that you have the mirrored Itech one at work....does it look the same as the one ovechkin is wearing at the world juniors???

why i ask is because from the online pics i can see of the itech mirrored one....it looks like it's just really tinted, and not a mirrored reflective effect....do you have any comments on that??

i would rather have the ovechkin one because they can't see your eyes....does yours at work look like that? thanx. Do you happen to have pictures of yours, OTHER than the one that is on the itech website?


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why i ask is because from the online pics i can see of the itech mirrored one....it looks like it's just really tinted, and not a mirrored reflective effect....do you have any comments on that??

i would rather have the ovechkin one because they can't see your eyes....does yours at work look like that? thanx.  Do you happen to have pictures of yours, OTHER than the one that is on the itech website?


What about this pic.


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I think the guy in that last picture is Jens Karlsson.

and renelsisc-

Yes, the one that I got from epuck is just like that one. I know it doesnt look like it in any pictures, but it really is reflective.

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