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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which is lighter?

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Does anyone know if the lightest cage out there is lighter than the Bauer Concept II full plastic shield that I'm currently using?

I ask because I want to get an Easton S19 helmet. Being that this helmet is so light, I'm worried that a full-face setup may be "front-heavy". I don't intend to use a half-visor. Has anyone encountered this problem?

Thanks in advance for your input.

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I would assume the Bauer 9500 or the Itech Titanium would be the lightest full cages out there. I have the 9500 and it was pretty light. Vision was good too. Can't speak on the Itech weight or vision.

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I mounted the Itech Titanium on my S19 helmet and it's crazy light with very good vision. The mounting loops were very tight to screw on because the spacing of them is very close to the width of the vertical bars in the middle of the cage. Your better to use the CCM "L" shaped mounting loops if you can get them. The CCM FM 480 will also fit on the S19 as well but better with the "L" brackets. The only way your going to get a lighter fit than with the Itech titanium is to mount on a plastic half shield or have not eye protection at all.(in my personal opinion)

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Thanks for the input guys. I cannot seem to find the Itech titanium cage anymore in Toronto!

Try National Sports. I know they were clearing them out

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Thanks hyprlte, the guys at 2 stores I went to said people bought them all up when they were on sale for $50.

Try Sports Chek. I've seen a lot of them on sale for just less than half price as well. Good Luck.

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