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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Classic Gold Skates

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Does anyone remeber the Bauer Classic Gold Skates?

Where these top of the line skates at the time they came out??

they look a lot like the 8090's but i wonder if they where at the same level as the 8090's. Does anyone happen to know or does anyone have any experience with these skates?

Ok thanks for any info and help with this.

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They were heavy as hell compared to 8090 or other top end Supremes of that time. It was essentially Bauer doing a Graf style skate.

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Bauer used the term "classic" to define a throwback style skate. This skate paid homage to previous Bauer Supreme generation skates. The Supreme Classic Gold was not inspired by any Graf skate. Yes, it was heavy as hell.

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I don't recall Bauer ever doing a skate that heavy or sloppy. :wink: QC was really bad on every one I saw.

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The Classic Gold was strictly a limited edition skate. There was no long term skate line objective. At the time, Vapor and Supreme 8000>8090 were the guts of the line. Bauer attempted to market it as "old school" but certainly it failed in the final analysis with it's outrageous weight contributing the most. In the shop we ripped one apart and I posted pictures here of the skate taken apart.

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Yeah, it weighed as much as a brick of gold...

The boot wasn't necessarily a problem - it was that beveled outsole - sloppy mounts all around as the holder just couldn't stay flush on there.

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The Classic Gold was strictly a limited edition skate. There was no long term skate line objective. At the time, Vapor and Supreme 8000>8090 were the guts of the line. Bauer attempted to market it as "old school" but certainly it failed in the final analysis with it's outrageous weight contributing the most. In the shop we ripped one apart and I posted pictures here of the skate taken apart.

Were they only "limited edition" because of poor sales? I remember there was a lower-end version, Classic Silver, as well. That leads me to believe Bauer may have thought they were on to something at a time when there was still indecision about the lightness vs. durability of skates.

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thank you guys for your input. so it was a heavy skate but was it durable? was it a good quality skate?? Any known major issues other then the weight issue??

thank you guys!!

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If you are looking for heavy weight training skates, they are perfect. Durable? Built like tanks. Quality? JR addressed the issue with the beveled sole and the problems that created. Get a pair and review them for MSH!

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Quick question about the Bauer Silver skates. Do they fit like the older Supremes (pre-8090, narrower) or the newer models (wider, anatomical)? I'm looking at buying an older pair of inline Supreme Silvers, but I assume the ice boot and the roller boot have the same fit. http://cgi.ebay.com/BAUER-SUPREME-INLINE-SILVER-COMP-HOCKEY-SKATES-MENS-8R-/140550927432?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D1%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D256218191836784835

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