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Shin Pads Turning

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Hey guys looking for ideas? I've got the 7k lite rbk shin pads, really only two spots that actually make contact with the shin. I only tape right below the knee, as I don't like the feeling of tape around the shin it self. And I wear a pair of compression pants. I don't want to change setups, as it's what I've been used to for a while now. So my question is / ideas suggested?

My shin pads turn on me when skating, etc. It's not really bad but annoying none the less. I've thought about maybe trying to spray some sort of rubber adhesive to the compression pants around the shin area to see if it'll help keep the pad in place. Has anyone experience this, or have a fix for this, aside from the obvious "use more tape", or "try different shin pads"?? Thanks for any help or suggestions, I'm thinking there might be some sort of material I can sow on that I'm just not thinking of?


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I use one of those sleeves (like the viceroy shin tights) that go over your shin pads to help keep mine in place. My shin pads are od and don't have the original straps so I have to use the after market straps and the sleeve. It works great, I don't have to use any tape and have never had a problem with my shin pads moving.

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I use one of those sleeves (like the viceroy shin tights) that go over your shin pads to help keep mine in place. My shin pads are od and don't have the original straps so I have to use the after market straps and the sleeve. It works great, I don't have to use any tape and have never had a problem with my shin pads moving.

I wear something similar over my shins to referee. They work great.

I've tried a number of different manufacturers, and while they're the most widely available, I find the Viceroy shin-tights fall apart more quickly than the other brands.

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Hey guys looking for ideas? I've got the 7k lite rbk shin pads, really only two spots that actually make contact with the shin. I only tape right below the knee, as I don't like the feeling of tape around the shin it self. And I wear a pair of compression pants. I don't want to change setups, as it's what I've been used to for a while now. So my question is / ideas suggested?

My shin pads turn on me when skating, etc. It's not really bad but annoying none the less. I've thought about maybe trying to spray some sort of rubber adhesive to the compression pants around the shin area to see if it'll help keep the pad in place. Has anyone experience this, or have a fix for this, aside from the obvious "use more tape", or "try different shin pads"?? Thanks for any help or suggestions, I'm thinking there might be some sort of material I can sow on that I'm just not thinking of?


What sort of tape are you using at the top of the pad now? Clear hockey tape has some give to it and one band at the top of the knee with one band lower down the shin will give the same feel as the elastic sleeves already suggested.

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What sort of tape are you using at the top of the pad now? Clear hockey tape has some give to it and one band at the top of the knee with one band lower down the shin will give the same feel as the elastic sleeves already suggested.

Yeah I haven't really tried the tight things. I just use clear tape, couple times around and about 1-1/2 width. The big think is the pad isn't sliding up and down, its moving from side to side, I'm not sure the tights would stop that movement as I think the problem may lie with the compression pants moving? My idea would be to spray something on both sides of the shin, inside and out that would inside keep the pant in one place, and outside keep the shin in one place? They don't move much and it's more of an annoyance than anything else, just look for solutions. I may give the shin tights a try to see if it helps. I appreciate the recommendations!

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I had that same problem, my shinpads moving from side to side, and using a pair of skate laces works really well for me now. I realize it is kinda tacky but it gets the job done. Although, for obvious reasons our coach only allows us to use clear tape during games so I tape right at the knee and at the bottom of the shin pad and it seems to work.

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Yeah I haven't really tried the tight things. I just use clear tape, couple times around and about 1-1/2 width. The big think is the pad isn't sliding up and down, its moving from side to side, I'm not sure the tights would stop that movement as I think the problem may lie with the compression pants moving? My idea would be to spray something on both sides of the shin, inside and out that would inside keep the pant in one place, and outside keep the shin in one place? They don't move much and it's more of an annoyance than anything else, just look for solutions. I may give the shin tights a try to see if it helps. I appreciate the recommendations!

Question--do you flop or tuck your skate tongues? If you flop, maybe consider trying tucking. I bet the tongue would prevent the twisting you're describing.

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If you try shin tights, the sidelines sports ones have been very durable for me, but they're tough to find.

I use the sideline sports ones and they have worked very well for me. I've been using them for 9 or so months and they have been great! I see them at every sportchek and lhs though. I've also used the elastic shin bands in the past. However I used these products to cut costs on clear tape, which I am proud to say have worked.

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Question--do you flop or tuck your skate tongues? If you flop, maybe consider trying tucking. I bet the tongue would prevent the twisting you're describing.

No flop, wear my shins over the tongues. I'm going to try the shin tights and see how it goes. Thanks for the reply's!

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