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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The End of T'Blades?

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You send your steel out, others buy T'Blades. It's an option; like getting 3/4 hollow or getting 1/2. Personal preference.

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It's to have a constant feel on the blade, for people in areas that don't have a good sharpener.

+1. The very reason I switched to t'blades.

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Actually I emailed them and they said they can deliver to Canada, but that they now have a North American distributor.

So I asked them if I could order directly from the distributor.

Will let you know once they get back to me.

Thx. Will wait to hear.

Didn't forget about you. They just never replied to my last email.

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I sold my ZG130's with T-Blades to a good friend. If they become hard to get, are there any retail holders (tuuk, e-pro) etc. that will line up well with the holes for mounting the T-Blades? I have an pair of Tuuk Custom plus holders/blades kicking around in the same size.

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For the record T-Blades are a good product. I'm 5'11' 195lb and they seemed to work for me for years. Yes you can hear them when you turn hard and push hard. The advantage is they a very very light and they have a slightly better glide (~%5). If your ever stuck using a pair you will probably be surprised.

I thought they were here to stay but it looks like they are finding the same fate as the first electric car. I can see them coming back in a few years. If they started doing combo profiles maybe? That would be cool.

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