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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL in 3D

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Meh. Can't get into the whole 3D (at home) thing. For a movie or a spectacle away, sure...but ti seems silly at home. I think it's partly becasue I wear glasses...and those bulky 3D glasses over my own are terribly uncomfortable...that, and, I could fins better thigns to do with $3000 if I had it.

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as long as the majority doesn't go out and buy a 3D tv, it will die. a lot of theatres upcharge to see films in 3D so if they see those sales decrease the studios will lay off that technology. it's REALLY expensive to film and the cameras are very finicky. my wife is working on final destination 5. that production is using James cameron's 3D cameras and she told me they are constantly being flown around north America to be fixed or tinkered with. most feature films employ one camera truck, this feature, with a relatively average budget, has 4.

essentially, the general public will either embrace the technology and it will become mainstream and standard or it will go away (again). I too wear glasses and watching 3D gives me a headache. that and it's quite lame. it doesn't enhance the experience for me at all, on the contrary, it reminds me that it is indeed a "production" and does t let me get into it

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It's gonna be just like the FoxTrax, gone before you know it

For those who don't know what I'm talking about:

hahaha. foxtrax was overdone, you cant even see the real puck

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