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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Torpso Visors? any good?

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Hey guys,

These visors are a little cheaper than the oakley ones, by about 20 bucks. Anyone have any reviews on them? How do they compare to the oakley ones? Durability? Any distortion?


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I have the pro straight cut one, with anti-fog/scratch.

I really like the visor. I've had it for around a year and a half, and it's held up very well.

Fogging is never an issue, nor is visual distortion. It's accumulated a few scratches, but they all do.

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Been rockin the straight one, no anti-fog for a year now. Never really had a problem. Not a fan of the hardware, it was a PITA to get the screws to tighten enough on my V10. But I can deal for what I paid for it.

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Bought one off of a memeber here, fastbrother7, and I've got nothing bad to say about it. It does fog up a little for me, but I'm a heavy breather and I perspire a lot, which is my own fault and that's nothing a towel doesn't fix between shifts.

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