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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ball hockey in gym how to prevent floor marks

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so i play pick up at a school gym and i guess after a few years they have new caretaker who is complaining about marking up the floor. We use composite sticks (no tape) and alot of shots i noticed i take there is a white streak left on the floor (not sure why it's white since they are comp blades).

Do you guys have any suggestions to prevent marking up the floor besides going to plastic blades? Would waxing the bottom of the blade help since i can smell the blade after a few shots so there must be enough friction being created.

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the white mark you're seeing could be smudging the wax or whatever they use to protect the floor. i played ball hockey in a gym a few weeks ago and i was surprised at how little we marked up the floor. i think that even if you switched to plastic, you'd still see smudging/marking, but it might be worth a try, if it means you can keep playing.

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Try placing a strip of clear tape on the bottom of the blade. See how it works and replace once a rip/tear occurs

the clear tape didn't really help too much but seems to drag alot.

your right about the wax/polish that is being smudged cause i tried one of the schools plastic sticks and left the same mark

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the sock thing works wonders, thats what we had to do for off ice when we were in a gym, tape it to the hosel and you dont even notice, just dont use a good sock.

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