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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4500 fit

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I couldn't find my answer via search so hopefully someone can help. I'm currently in a Reebok 6K helmet in a large. I have it closed all the way on the fitclips. A medium opened up all the way was too small. I'm considering buyin a 4500 helmet. Would a size large work ok for me?

As another point of reference, a CCM V08 fits me in a medium, but not a large. The large was a little sloppy.

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I switched from a 4500 to a 6k and found it to fit my head much better. I found the 4500 to be a bit too narrow for my head. I like the weight and comfort of the 6k as it's a helmet designed to fit the shape of my head.

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I have both helmets in a medium and the slider positions seem to be similar. My guess is your size would be the same length wise. Width wise I believe the 6K to be wider so I'd guess that would make the large in the 4500 necessary.

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I couldn't find my answer via search so hopefully someone can help. I'm currently in a Reebok 6K helmet in a large. I have it closed all the way on the fitclips. A medium opened up all the way was too small. I'm considering buyin a 4500 helmet. Would a size large work ok for me?

As another point of reference, a CCM V08 fits me in a medium, but not a large. The large was a little sloppy.

There is a hat size reference tool on hockeymonkey that can help with your sizing, provided that you know that the 4500 actually fits your head shape well.

If you can get to a shop somewhere to try it on, I would definitely recommend that, as a helmet is probably your most important piece of equipment and you don't want negative space and a loose fit.

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Thanks for the help so far. My local shop doesn't have any 4500s so I can't try it on. I tried on another Bauer, but I can't remember if it was a 5100 or a 7500, but in a large it fit me well. Are either of those fits similar to a 4500??

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Thanks for the help so far. My local shop doesn't have any 4500s so I can't try it on. I tried on another Bauer, but I can't remember if it was a 5100 or a 7500, but in a large it fit me well. Are either of those fits similar to a 4500??

I just read the 5000/5500/7500 is wider than the 4500

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I as well have had both, in large. The 6K is wider, makes for a better fit if you have a wide head (like me).

The 5500 is a bit wider than the 4500, but not by that much.

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