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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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james wisniewskis stick

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That is correct.

Wiz retail is his actual Pro Mold, and mirrored for left.

What's the difference between a retail Lidstrom and Wiz's pattern? They look pretty much the same. Different lie? Also, do you know of any pros that use a relatively closed heel curve (similar to PM9/Modano/Burrows) with a square toe?

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What's the difference between a retail Lidstrom and Wiz's pattern? They look pretty much the same. Different lie? ?

The lie is lower on the Wizniewski/Pavelski. There is also more rocker to the bottom. I found that the Lidstrom/clones have very little rocker. The Lidstrom may be a bit more heel than the Wizniewski and has a squarer toe. I have both at home, but the Lidstrom is a wood blade that I may have heated up. Its old! I use it for stickhandling in my basement.

Best way to describe the Wizniewski/Pavelski is a combo of the Lidstrom and Bauer P106. I have both P106's and Wizniewski and can transition between the two easily. The lie, rocker, depth and loft are very similar. The toe shape is the big difference.

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I don't think I've ever seen a closed heel curve

I did say a relatively closed heel curve. The PM9 is often described as "neutral" face but it's actually slightly open. Is there any heel curve with about the same loft as the PM9 with a square toe? I have a P106 and a PM9 (H14 actually) right now. If the Wisniewski is pretty close, I'd love to get a Wiz-curve Warrior. That being said, I can't wait until the Pattern DB is back. Anyone have any news about that?

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That being said, I can't wait until the Pattern DB is back. Anyone have any news about that?

That's on me, I was trying to do something a little different but don't have the coding skills to do what I wanted. Unfortunately, I also haven't had the time to brush up on my coding either. I will make a couple calls and see if I can talk a couple of friends into helping me out, the DB has been MIA for way too long.

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