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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question

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I just purchased the One60 LE skate and noticed that it seems to be a little longer than my one55's. Both skates are the same size, it just seems like the boot on the One60 is longer than my old One55's. Is this going to be the case for all of the new supreme line vs the older (one55, etc)?

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I just purchased the One60 LE skate and noticed that it seems to be a little longer than my one55's. Both skates are the same size, it just seems like the boot on the One60 is longer than my old One55's. Is this going to be the case for all of the new supreme line vs the older (one55, etc)?

yeah its longer and deeper... i have one75 8EE and one80 7.5EE is a bit longer...weird huh?

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yeah its longer and deeper... i have one75 8EE and one80 7.5EE is a bit longer...weird huh?

Thanks for the reply guys. It is weird that the boots seem longer on the newer Supreme line.

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