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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick question

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wood plug is a bit heavier than the removed section of shaft, so it helps to offset the weight of the blade and improve the balance.

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Cutting the stick changes the flex of it, making it stiffer. However, putting a wood plug in would make it less stiff. I'm not sure if cutting off 2 inches and putting in a 2 inch plug equals out though. Also some players have wood plugs that are narrower, tapered down, or in some other shape that you couldn't do with composite.

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Wow, I did not know that. Why does the wood plug make the stick less stiff?

It doesn't. In fact, the tenon of the plug will prevent the shaft from flexing as much as it would without the plug. Wood plugs will also vary in flex significantly from one to another and there is no way to predict what any given plug will do. The pros that use them, do so for balance and handle shape preference.

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It doesn't. In fact, the tenon of the plug will prevent the shaft from flexing as much as it would without the plug. Wood plugs will also vary in flex significantly from one to another and there is no way to predict what any given plug will do. The pros that use them, do so for balance and handle shape preference.

My apologies on causing the stir below. When I typed that, I was speaking in generality that "cutting = more stiff, extension = less stiff". However, like I said I'm not sure if the amount you put back equals the amount you put in, or if it did a fraction effect depending on length of cut, etc...

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