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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior to Intermediate stick

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My son made the switch this past August and a couple of things made us make the change.

1. He broke the blades of two Jr X-60s about a month apart.

2. You could really start to notice the flex in the stick when he took a slapshot.

3. if we were to replace the broken Jr sticks with another Jr they would be uncut.

But as was said earlier size and strength dictate the switch.

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Like everyone has been saying, make the switch definitely when your kid has enough strength/weight to flex the intermediate stick. I am 22, 5'2", 100 lb, and I always used junior sticks. The sticks come up a fair distance below my chin on skates. I play defense so I tried using an intermediate to get a bit longer of a reach but it was just too much. My playing even suffered from it since I was getting "stuck" each time I went into the boards! Plus, I wasn't able able to flex the stick at all, my shot suffered. I put a plug in my junior stick (for length) and it flexed WAY too much!!! Stick with which ever flex works best.

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One thing to try would be to use a 60 flex intermediate stick if you can find one. Not the most common but might be a good place to start than the tradition 65 - 67 intermediate flex that are usually found in LHS.

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+1 for the 60 flex suggestion.

A 60 flex EQ50 when cut down to 52" (which is JR stick length) would become a 65 flex and it felt like a true 65 flex to me. I'm also inbetween JR and INT sticks and this was my choice since I couldn't find a 55 flex DD dolomite.

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