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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nes time attacks?

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I've seen the super Marion one.

On a NES note does anyone remember those computer programs that were the NES system and you could download more games? I'm itching for a little punch-out (obviously from my Avatar) and I haven't been able to find it around here.

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If I am not mistaken games for emulators are called roms. Thought I could add that up to help you find your games faster.

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maybe I will. I got a little excited and started to search around for junk. Saw some cool Punch-out figures, hats and stuff, but also heard (and have seen, but weren't aware of what they were) of these little post up shops in the mall. They have over 50 NES games and are between $30-50 cdn. If they have a few classics. Turtles 3, Punch-out, Superbowl, Blades of steel I'm on my way (2 players are always better), but if not I'll add you for sure speed demon. Thanks for the help.

Sorry for jacking the thread yglod11 :(

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Offtopic but funny anyways, Theres a bar here that on tuesday nights you can buy beer with Canadian tire money. Some guys come in with $100's of dollars.

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well I got punch-out and that magic guy just keeps kicking my ass. I've beat'em once and now he just keeps pumbling me. I'm not quick enough to block him. Damn me and my slow thumbs!

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The video of beating Mario in 11 minutes is fake. I remember the guy who made it admitted that he in fact did record all his moves playing on an emulator.

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I saw a video of a half-life speed run in 45 mniutes, which if you've played the game is really fast.

Have life 2 comes out in a few days. The gold edition (maybe platinum, I forget) is 90 dollars :o

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