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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What's the Craziest Thing You Did to Get Out of a Slump?

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I stop thinking about it and just play my game but during that time i also talk to my sticks a good 5-10 minutes while I put wax on the blade in the change room (that sounds really loaded doesnt it haha)...alot of times I will go back to an old stick that was my lucky stick at one point in time...

I will also backcheck and play alot harder defensively and the hockey gods always balance it out.

i went an entire season without scoring regularly in the regular season, got put on a grinder line cuz I was working hard and came through big in every game in the playoffs.

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The day I forget that I'm in a slump is usually the day I'm back on.

Beer's a really big motivator for me so I withhold it from myself until I rack up a few points or make some beauty plays.

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The day I forget that I'm in a slump is usually the day I'm back on.

Beer's a really big motivator for me so I withhold it from myself until I rack up a few points or make some beauty plays.

i'm the same way...but i will just drink something bad instead and save the labatt for a satisfied postgamer.

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This was years ago, and was a little pricey, but as soon as I divorced my ex-wife, my game and my enjoyment of it improved 150 percent. Not recommended for everyone.

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Currently in a slump. One goal in 6 games. Changed to white tape amd didnt wgork. Changed sticks and didnt work. I had ponikarovsky pro stock gloves and im usig eric godard gloves now. I think they are turning me into him haha. will try going back to my ponikarovsky gloves for our next game. I CANT SCORE TO SAVE MY LIFE IM SO PISSED AHHHHHH!!! HATE THIS!!!

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I went through a long goal scoring drought, and on the drive to the rink for the game I broke the streak, Come On Eileen came on the radio.

I listen to it on the way to every game now.

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Happened tonight in our play off game of all games. This C league ringer was going for the puck as was I. He thought oh this beginner will stop. Nope, I plowed right through him not giving a shit. Team saw the hit and it sparked them to some kind of amazing level. We were losing 2 - 0 and after that hit, our team came back and we brought it to over time. We lost, but honestly, it was probably the best hockey we have played all season. Thing is, I don't even feel bad for checking the C league ringer playing in our beginner league. Not even a D league, just a bunch of beginners learning to play.

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I'm in a slump now. Haven't scored a goal in 5 weeks...Going to start putting the tongues of my skates out instead of tucking them.

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This isn't crazy but I would bring my ipod into the locker room and listen to inspirational speeches and what not. Then just close my eyes and visualize the best possible goal or assist . Take a few deep breathes and say a prayer. SLUMPS ARE 100 % MENTAL. But I have licked my blade before and also let one of my teammates " Beat the slump " out of me.

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once decided to go back to my old friend mister wood.. took my wood stick and felt like it helped...

and about playing with a hangover... no...

once went to a tourney, started at 9 in the morning. problem was I got home at 5 in the morning 1 hour sleep 2 hour drive= not a good tourney

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I went through a long goal scoring drought, and on the drive to the rink for the game I broke the streak, Come On Eileen came on the radio.

I listen to it on the way to every game now.

That's brilliant.

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