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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can I ruin skate wheels playing goal?

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I'm trying to learn how to play goalie while continuing to play as a skater. Since I only have one pair of skates, I'll be using those for both. How badly will I ruin my wheels doing that?

I've got some fairly brand new Labeda grippers on them at the moment. I still have my old set of wheels. While they've lost a fair amount of grip, they can still get the job done. Should I consider switching in between games to save my nicer wheels?

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A hit to the wheels can cause them to chunk but the grippers are really durable so you should be okay without switching.

Shouldn't be a problem to use normal skates for goaltending, keep on mind some chassis like the RBKs are not really suitable because they get damaged quite easily.

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If you mean wearing down your whels at a sharp angle I dont think so. Playing goalie doesn't really wear down you wheels very much, it just strips them of grip. If you aren't going to play more than 3 times a week it shouldn't be an issue.

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Your concern isn't the wheels so much as it is the chassis, which can bend if it gets hit the wrong way. The other worry is your actual feet, as goalie skates have much more padding. You can catch some pretty hard shots on the bottom of your laces or on the sides of your feet.

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