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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best/favorite "compression shirt" to wear under your shoulder pads?

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I don't doubt that you've read that somewhere, but there has to be more to that study, like for example, are they talking about a white shirt in 40 degree heat with the sun beating down on you or on the ice rink with a ton of gear? get my point?

I get ridiculously hot, and I've tried a few, and they've all made me wayyy too hot...so hot to the point where it directly impacted my performance

I've asked a few friends who wear them and they all mention to stay warm, or for reasons stated in this thread ... so apparently, some people are actually cold when they play hockey

my 2 cents

I did "read this somewhere" This is what I do for a living.

As I stated we minimize the effect of evaporative cooling by wearing pads and jerseys. There is very little we can do to significantly reduce our core temperature by changing our undergarments except of course using an active cooling system.

Compression gear will have some regulatory effect by keeping moisture close to the skin allowing evaporative cooling to work to the extent allowed by what we wear over it.

It will also tend to keep heat in when we are cold to some extent.

Cotton will tend to wick moisture from the skin removing what little evaporative cooling we would gain by wearing nothing or clothing that keeps the moisture next to the skin.

For maximum cooling we need to keep the moisture in contact with the skin and use a material that dries quickly. We must also promote air flow to take advantage of evaporation.

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I did "read this somewhere" This is what I do for a living.

As I stated we minimize the effect of evaporative cooling by wearing pads and jerseys. There is very little we can do to significantly reduce our core temperature by changing our undergarments except of course using an active cooling system.

Compression gear will have some regulatory effect by keeping moisture close to the skin allowing evaporative cooling to work to the extent allowed by what we wear over it.

It will also tend to keep heat in when we are cold to some extent.

Cotton will tend to wick moisture from the skin removing what little evaporative cooling we would gain by wearing nothing or clothing that keeps the moisture next to the skin.

For maximum cooling we need to keep the moisture in contact with the skin and use a material that dries quickly. We must also promote air flow to take advantage of evaporation.

I just came back from a two hour skate - normally, without the UA compression shirt, I am wretchedly hot and can't wait to tear off my equipment, esp after two hours.

I was not only fairly comfortable even after two hours, oonce I had my gear off the UA shirt seemed to be making me a bit cold, which NEVER happens!

I'm so glad I tried this stuff - for people who get really hot playing hockey I can't recommend it highly enough.

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