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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Guard Question

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Hey guys — in my never ending addiction to buying gear I'm narrowing down gear to replace by "age". Next up is pants however right after that I am aiming to get some new shin guards.

I am currently using Reebok 7K Fitlite (the Jofa model). What I like about them...

• Removable straps

• Removable calf wrap

• They're fairly comfortable

What I DONT like about them...they are very, very bulky and heavy.

I'd like a new pair that have removable straps and calf wraps but are much lighter and a little less bulky. Suggestions?

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Any other options with stuff I can order off a site like HockeyGiant or HockeyMoney?

My current shinguards are the RBK Jofa model, they're pretty bulky. I'd assume the Jofa models off Ebay will be similar fit right?

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maybe bauer pro , is closest to those specs he's lookin for , but definatly not the 10k.

Why? Have you ever tried 10K? I have.

Pretty nice shins, not bulky, quite light, traditional jofa fit...and I even cut the stripes off! :)

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Why? Have you ever tried 10K? I have.

Pretty nice shins, not bulky, quite light, traditional jofa fit...and I even cut the stripes off! :)

Tried the 10k on , bauer pro on , and reebok 8k on. I ended up goin with the 8k because its what i liked . But the 10k is quite bulky when compared to the bauer pro

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