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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates Question

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So I currently have a pair of the Vapor RX05 inline skates and while they fit great at first after baking...after about 9 months of use it seems that I've broken them in too well. I'm looking to upgrade to a higher model boot anyway (the 20 or the 25), but I was wondering if going a half size down would help out from the boot getting too broken in in the future or should I stay at my current size since a higher end boot won't loosen as easily?

Other things to note, there's a little bit of room in the toe right now but the width is perfect. I used shock doctor insoles for a while until my arches began to hurt I went back to just using the stock footbeds.

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So I currently have a pair of the Vapor RX05 inline skates and while they fit great at first after baking...after about 9 months of use it seems that I've broken them in too well. I'm looking to upgrade to a higher model boot anyway (the 20 or the 25), but I was wondering if going a half size down would help out from the boot getting too broken in in the future or should I stay at my current size since a higher end boot won't loosen as easily?

Other things to note, there's a little bit of room in the toe right now but the width is perfect. I used shock doctor insoles for a while until my arches began to hurt I went back to just using the stock footbeds.

Get the same size. they broke down quickly because they are cheap and I am pretty sure they shouldn't have been baked

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