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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Messier Response Plus

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I dunno if anyone caught this on espn or empire noetwork. they were showing messier autograph a bunch of game issue sticks before the game in the locker room probably cuz it was gonna be his last game and he wanted to give everyone on his team one. He had a batch of regular response plus' but then a batch of all black responses with red "response" and "tps" logos. New stick? or mabye just a limited edition made for him to autograph to give to his team?

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They were colored the same colours of the Rangers, probably not a new stick cause If my eyes were right they said Response plus, just with a different paint job. I noticed that he had plenty though, one for everyone in the locker room, but probably the same stick.

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There was nothing speial about the sticks he used last night. It's the same thing he's been using for months.

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It's not the ones he used in the game, but the ones in the dressing room. I saw the clip on tsn and it looked like a black response with red graphics.

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It's not the ones he used in the game, but the ones in the dressing room. I saw the clip on tsn and it looked like a black response with red graphics.

Let me clarify. TPS did not produce any "new" or "different" products for Messier or the Rangers.

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